Mental illness is not a choice, but recovery is.
Mental wellness plays a role.
Don’t be ashamed to share your story.
Your story matters.
A healthy body should include, mental wellness and positive mood
Recovery is an evolution, not a miracle
Mental illness is not a personal failure.
Don’t ignore your mental health, it is as bad as a cancer.
Mental health is preserved wealth.
Fight the war within to survive outside.
Take a step forward as a society.
Take Therapy! Heal from within.
Money is important but not more then your mental health.
Peace of mind allows positive mental health.
A healthy mind is an asset
Mental Illness is just a temporary part.
Look out for yourself.
Say yes to positivity say yes to freedom.
Loneliness is a state of mind.
To think too much is a disease.
We take care of our dental health but not our mental health.
A healthy mind signifies a healthy body.
Identify the signs.
Don’t let your struggle become your identity.
MIND your health.
Peace of mind allows positive mental health.
Because you need to understand that mental anxiety can be discussed.
This feeling will pass. The fear is real but the danger is not.
Mental health first money second
Beat your anxiety with therapy.
If you feel like life is sinking try positive thinking.
Let’s accept it as a medical condition and not as a social stigma.
A healthy mind is the greatest treasure to find.
Depression is an illness, not a weakness.
Not all wounds are visible.
Don’t bury emotions let it flow.
No discrimination in mental health.
Instead of being scared, let us discuss the issues.
To be healthy as a whole, your mental health plays a very vital role.
Never do something which exploits your mental peace.
Don’t be ashamed to share your story it will inspire others to speak up.
If you can survive the war with yourself then you can survive any war in the world.
A healthy mind signifies a healthy body.
Shape your mind to shape your future.
Fighting mental illness makes you strong.
What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.
Your emotions can take a toll, to your health it plays a role.
Your mental illness doesn’t define you but your fight with it will definitely do it.
Depression is a flaw in chemistry, not a character.
Daily stress can leave your health in a mess.
Don’t judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.
Because all problems have solutions.
Depression… is what your suffering actually yours?
There is no shame in taking medication for mental illness , do whatever works for you.
The best medication for mental illness is to make them feel comfortable about it.
Mental illness is not contagious. You won’t catch it by being kind.
It doesn’t cost you money to be kind enough to listen to the people.
Mental illness doesn’t define you it rather refines you.
There is always a bright sunny morning waiting for you after a stormy night.
Because you need to start fighting somewhere
Nobody will ever tell you that emptiness weighs the most.
Because our support group can really be of help.
Positive thinking is the key to success.
Communication makes you mentally fit
Never hide mental illness
You can do a lot more instead of just being judgmental
It’s your battle, but you don’t need to fight alone.
I know what it’s like to be afraid of your own mind.
Ignoring mental illness is a big blunder.
Love and care is a solution for mental illness.
Because you should fight your demons.
Share a smile it reduces mental pain.
You deserve the peace.
Negative thinking be sure to avoid it at all costs.
Help people to help you, speak to them to let them speak to you.
Seeking help is not defect.
Patience is a weapon to fight mental illness.
Mental illness, it’s time to talk.
Therapies are not good; instead, they are the Best.
Pain is real. But so is hope.
Don’t live to please others.
Good friends kick out mental illness.
Every day is a good day to relax.
Never be a slave of your own thoughts.
At times not thinking anything is good for your mind.
It’s okay if certain things are beyond your control.
Don’t hold back from the fear of losing.
They say mental illness is invisible, but it can be seen in you
Your mind is a warehouse then get rid of the rotten stock.
What love and care can do medicines cannot
Because you can completely trust us
Putting strain on your mind not only makes you tired but also makes you sick, be mentally healthy.
Mental health…is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.
Self-care is how you take your power back.
Mental Health: stop exclusion, dare to care.
The bravest thing you can ever do in life is to keep living when you want to die.
Be honest with yourself
Take a step forward as a society.
Little inspiration goes a long way.
Balancing time you spend with or without people is crucial for mental health.
Self-esteem is not a luxury; it is a profound spiritual need.
Better you will feel if you eat a healthy meal.
The acknowledgment of having suffered evil is the greatest step forward in mental health.
Normalize Therapy.
Sadness is not a way to live.
Set Boundaries!
Scream what bothers! Do not sink!
There is power in kindness.
Seek help.
To be healthy as a whole, Mental wellness plays a role.
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